Province-wide blitzing is an initiative spearheaded by James Barry, Executive Chairman of the IBEW CCO Organizing Department.
“Without solid support of all IBEW CCO Locals this would not be possible,” said James.
A recent blitz prepared by Local 353 was launched Sept 20 – 21, 2017. Organizers from across Canada joined the event that included Organizers from Halifax and Manitoba.
For those who might not be aware, a blitz is a concentrated effort by a group of Organizers to visit numerous job sites as possible in 1 or 2 days. Before the blitz can happen, intensive research and a solid plan is developed.
During the blitz, Organizers enter targeted non-union job sites and search out electricians and apprentices. This face-to-face marketing tool allows us to communicate and “tell our story” about the many advantages of membership: better security, better benefits, better wages etc. and expunge any negative gossip they have heard about unions from their employer.
To date, blitzes have been conducted in Local 586 Ottawa, Local 353 Toronto, Local 773 Windsor and Local 105 Hamilton.
“The feedback has been fantastic,” said James. “The host local puts a lot of time and effort into the preparation of the blitz before the Organizers arrive. They must make sure they have all the job site locations and backup information at the fingertips of all Organizers when they arrive to make sure they are efficient with their time.
“The blitz does prove to be a fantastic fact finding exercise. It is also an ideal opportunity to gauge the amount of non-union work in a certain jurisdiction. Finally, it’s the perfect venue for our Organizers to enjoy the experience of fellowship with one another while learning the different techniques needed to be a successful Organizer.”
Local 586 Ottawa will conduct another blitz December 5-7, 2017.
“We invite all Locals to approach the IBEW CCO to host a blitz in their jurisdiction,” James stated.