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New Policy Paper on Regulating the Skilled Trades Presented to Monte McNaughton

February 26, 2020

A message from James Barry, Executive Secretary Treasurer, IBEW Construction Council of Ontario:

Here is a link to our most recent policy paper that has been presented to Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development.

This document expands on our two previous submissions to the Ontario government regarding the regulation and administration of construction-related electrical trades. It is also supported by the OEL.

In this paper we reconfirm the importance of the Red Seal and the rationale for continuing the regulation of maintaining the current scope of practice and compulsory status for the electrical trades. The paper also recommends the government establishes a separate administrative agreement with the ESA to assume various oversight responsibilities in relation to the electrical trade. The paper outlines numerous compelling reasons why the ESA, in conjunction with ECRA, is best suited to assume this role.

Please take the time to read this important document and contact your business manager if you have any questions. The IBEW CCO along with our partner the ECAO continue to work closely with this government to help them make informed decisions and ensure the integrity of our trade is maintained.

Download the Policy Paper >

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