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NEMA Provides Guideline for Cleaning and Disinfecting Electrical Equipment

May 26, 2020

As construction in Ontario continues to ramp up with new COVID-19 safety guidelines, an important consideration is electrical tools being used by multiple people.

We know that the virus can remain on surfaces from hours to even days depending on the surface type.  How can we ensure proper cleaning and disinfection of our tools?

The National Electrical Manufacturers Association (NEMA) has developed the COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance for Electrical Equipment* which outlines recommended steps for cleaning and disinfecting electrical equipment.

We encourage IBEW members, and all electricians, to read the Guide, and to contact the manufacturer directly should you have any questions about the cleaning and disinfection of your tools.

While it is important to implement guidelines on how to keep our tools clean and disinfected with COVID-19, all personnel should practice regular hand washing and continue to take appropriate steps to protect themselves based on the guidelines from Health Canada.

Download the guide here:

NEMA GD 4-2020 COVID-19 Cleaning and Disinfecting Guidance for Electrical Equipment


*Version 1, May 19, 2020.  As research on COVID-19 continues, there may be subsequent updates to this document.

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