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OPC Hockey Tournament 2019 a Huge Success

April 11, 2019

With 25 teams registered and some dramatic upsets in the final standings, the 56th annual OPC Hockey Tournament was nothing short of a resounding success.

OPC hockey tournament 2019

Division A Champs Local 586 Ottawa.

IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019Teams came from as far away as Winnipeg and Boston, including two teams from Detroit and teams from Toledo and Ann Arbour, Michigan. This year, Hamilton’s Local 105 hosted the tournament, with member Doug Dunham the main organizer.
“Doug did a fantastic job organizing the tournament. At the Friday night hospitality event, people were having such a good time, they didn’t want to leave,” said Local 105 Business Manager Lorne Newick. “There was a really good feeling at the whole tournament. Lots of good competitive play on the ice, and lots of good company and brotherhood off the ice.”
IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019
IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019
Organizer Dunham credits teamwork for the success of the event. “A lot of people worked very hard to make me look good – the entire committee and office staff all pitched in.”
The tournament champions were:

  • ‘A’ Division Champions: Local 586 Ottawa
  • ‘B’ Division Champions: Local 773 Windsor
  • ‘C’ Division Champions: Local 252 Ann Arbor
  • Over Forty Champions: Local 115 Kingston

You can see the full results below.
“The best part for me,” says Dunham, “was Friday night. It was a great opportunity to see people I only get to see once a year.”
Dunham is also very proud of the Over 40 division, which was created by the 2014 Hamilton Hockey Committee.
“I am really glad it’s stuck, and I really hope it continues to grow. There were five teams this year and I’d love to see more. It’s a great chance for us older guys to get out on the ice and have a good time.”

IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019

Organizer Doug Dunham (front), with left to right Mark Shipton (Chief Statistician), Lorne Newick, and Mike LeBlanc.

Final Game Scores

Division A Game Scores

 Local 105 0 VS Local 586A 4
 Local 353A 5 VS Local 586B 2
 Local 530A 4 VS Local 2085 1
 Local 586B 3 VS Local 105 4
 Local 2085 5 VS Local 353A 1
 Local 586A 3 VS Local 530A 1
 Local 105 3 VS Local 2085 6
 Local 353A 2 VS Local 586A 2
 Local 530A 3 VS Local 586B 1
 Local 530A 4 VS Local 2085 3
 Local 586A 4 VS Local 353A 1
 Local 530A 0 VS Local 586A 3

Division B Game Scores

 Local 530B 0 VS Local 8 2
 Local 115 1 VS Local 58A 7
 Local 353B 6 VS Local 120 1
 Team 804 1 VS Local 773 1
 Local 103 2 VS Local 353C 3
 Local 530B 0 VS Local 58A 5
 Local 115 3 VS Local 120 5
 Local 353B 2 VS Local 773 5
 Team 804 6 VS Local 53C 3
Local 1031VS Local 8 7
 Local 530B1VS Local 120 10
 Local 115 3VS Local 773 6
 Local 353B 6VS Local 353C 3
 Team 804 5VS Local 8 3
 Local 103 0VS Local 58A 8
 Local 58A 3 VS Local 8 0
 Local 773 3 VS Local 804 2
 Local 58A 1 VS Local 773 4


Division C Game Scores

 Local 303 6 VS Local 252 3
 Local 1687 4 VS Local 58B 5
 Local 58B 4 VS Local 303 3
 Local 252 5 VS Local 1687 4
 Local 252 5 VS Local 58B 1
 Local 303 4 VS Local 1687 6
 Local 252 5 VS Local 58B 0


Over 40 Division Game Scores

 Local 115 4 VS Local 773 2
 Local 105 5 VS Local 353 3
 Local 58 1 VS Local 115 3
 Local 773 7 VS Local 105 3
 Local 58 7 VS Local 353 3
 Local 105 4 VS Local 115* 3
 Local 353 1 VS Local 115 6
 Local 773 5 VS Local 58 3
 Local 15 3 VS Local 773 2

*This game does not count in the standings for Local 115

More Highlights and Memories

IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019

Division B Champs, Local 773 Windsor.


IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019

Division C Champs, Local 252 Ann Arbour.


OPC hockey tournament 2019

Over 40 Champs, Local 115 Kingston.

IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019
IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019IBEW OPC Hockey Tournament 2019

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