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Video: Message of Hope About COVID-19 from ECAO’s Graeme Aitken

March 19, 2020

On Tuesday, March 17, 2020 Graeme Aitken, Executive Director of Electrical Contractors Association of Ontario (ECAO), shared the following video message via social media.

“Good afternoon,
“As tough as the situation in which we find ourselves might feel, and as trying as our industry might be at the moment, I am encouraged and comforted by the collaborative manner in which our community is acting.

“I offer our sincere gratitude to our labour partners, IBEW CCO, their business managers, local unions and members, to our affiliate partners, and to ECAO’s executive committee, board of directors, ECAs, and of course our members.

“We have entered this pandemic together, looking for shared solutions and a common direction, and I am confident that our community will emerge from this closer and stronger.

“In the meantime, stay safe, wash your hands, practice social distancing, and I am really looking forward to our social interactions in the near future. Thank you.”

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