Message from James Barry, Executive Secretary Treasurer, IBEW Construction Council of Ontario.
Please read the attached report, 309A Electricians: What is a Sustainable Apprentice Intake in Ontario? which can be downloaded here:
I presented this well-researched report to Monte McNaughton, Minister of Labour, Training and Skills Development to assist the government in its decision-making process regarding apprenticeship reforms.
This report addresses some misconceptions about apprenticeship needs as they relate to the 309A Electrician and provides recommendations on how the province can ensure a sustainable apprenticeship intake for our trade. The recommendations include a regional approach to apprenticeship as well as a focus on high training standards and completion rates.
This report clearly identifies how labour demand for 309A Electricians differs from other trades where the needs may be much greater. It also identifies the risks of implementing a model that results in unsustainable apprenticeship numbers.
I would encourage you to read this important document.
James Barry
Executive Secretary Treasurer
IBEW Construction Council of Ontario

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