Please see below the most recent updates on the federal and provincial governments’ response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Provincial Update
- Today, Premier Doug Ford joined Minister Elliott and Minister Tibollo to announce an additional $176M in mental health supports. This announcement builds on the government’s $3.8B commitment to a mental health strategy over the next 10-years.
- The government also announced a Main Street Recovery Plan and their intentions to introduce the Main Street Recovery Act, 2020, that would help small restaurants and bars offset the cost of PPE, and modernize rules to allow restaurants to permanently sell alcohol with takeaway food. This plan would also increase fines for illegal taxi operators and increase the range of products sold at the Ontario Food Terminal.
- Premier Ford was asked about the Main Street Recovery Plan, and if the government would be coming out with additional business restrictions and supports. The Premier said the government will have more to say over the next few days when it comes to supports, but they will continue to listen to the Chief Medical Officer of Health when it comes to restrictions.
- Finally, the Premier was also asked if it was too early to say that we are flattening the curve even though the numbers have been steady over the past few days. The Premier agreed that it is too soon to tell, but he hopes over the coming days we will see if the additional social gathering restrictions helped limit the spread and flatten the curve.
James Barry
Executive Secretary Treasurer
IBEW Construction Council of Ontario

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