The IBEW CCO stands united with the public condemnation of vile racist acts that continue to plague society including the workplace.
“Let me be clear, there is absolutely zero tolerance for racist behavior nor is it acceptable to remain silent or look the other way. We must stand up and defend and protect the ideals that make this a country to be proud to live in,” said IBEW CCO Executive Secretary Treasurer James Barry.
There have been several recent instances of racial acts on construction sites in Toronto where numerous trades work. Police are investigating.
“There is no place for anyone within the IBEW CCO who exhibits racist behavior,” said Barry.
The IBEW CCO calls on all its members to speak out if they see any such repugnant acts on a construction site.
“It is simply not enough to stay silent. Regardless of whether this is one of your own colleagues or someone in another trade, if you see a racist act you must speak out and you must report it.”
The IBEW has a long history of protecting and promoting the civil rights of all, including defending against racism and discrimination. Barry said efforts need to be increased to eliminate systematic racism that still exists with society, including protecting whistle-blowers.
“We all have more work to do to erase attitudes and behaviors that have no place in workplaces or anywhere in society and that includes making it easier for people to speak up,” he added.
Barry stressed he will be working with partners in the industry including employer groups to ensure proper mechanisms are in place to support whistle-blowers and to heighten awareness of this vitally important issue.
“I have spent my entire career advocating for worker and civil rights but I realize that there is still so much more we need to do to eradicate racism and discrimination within the workplace and society” he said.