News & Media
In this video, two apprentices talk about the risks they face as unsupervised, inadequately trained workers.
Answering the question “who invented Labour Day” is complicated, because it came about from events in both Canada, the US, and Britain.
IBEW Local 773 has been providing the Windsor area with quality electrical services since 1918. Learn about the key roles they play in the community.
Since 1912, the electricians of IBEW Local 303 have been wiring Niagara safely and reliably. They’ve been helping to build a more prosperous region, and giving back along the way.
A female electrical apprentice talks about her experiences as an apprentice, what she thinks about the electrical trade, and how she became an apprentice.
Even though a Toronto company has been convicted after an unqualified worker received a serious shock trying to do electrical work, there should have been additional action by OCOT.
Industry Perspectives: Promoting the Value of Certification Critical to Ontario’s Future
We continue to hear about the challenges Ontario is facing in retaining and recruiting much-need skilled trades professionals. However, it is alarming that a proposed solution by some is to lower the standards on training and safety as a way to attract more people to the trades.
Pending changes to the classification of trades may permanently dilute the trades, lower training standards and compromise public and worker safety. This responsibility was removed from OCOT and transferred to an unaccountable body with no skilled trades background.
From May 7-9, 2018, the Skills Ontario trades showcase promoted the electrical trade and other skilled trades to thousands of students across the province.
Originally chartered in January 1900, then rechartered on May 25 1928, IBEW Local 105 is 118 years old this year.…
Originally appearing on OCR, this article announces the delay in the OCOT apprentice ratio review. Plus response by James Barry, IBEW CCO Exec. Director.
If you couldn’t make this year’s tournament, we have all the results for you right here. Includes standings for all divisions and player awards.